Saturday, November 7, 2009

PeopleSoft Sever Administration



Creating Windows Services of PeopleSoft App,PRCS and PIA Servers.

Here's the way to create windows service out of your PeopleSoft single-user standalone instance's
app server, process scheduler, and PIA.

It's as easy as specifying the required domain name(s) in PSADMIN/"Configure a Service" and instantiating a
windows service out this configuration using PSADMIN/"Install a Service"

And for PIA, amazingly just invoke PS_HOME\webserv\<DOMAIN>\bin\installNTservicePIA.cmd, and you are good to go.

Once done, you can start the services from the Services utility in the Windows Control Panel or Run command "services.msc".

You can make the services to start automatically on machine reboot.




Creating Windows NT Services out of PeopleSoft App Server and Process Scheduler




Select “Service Setup



Select “Configure a Service



Select ‘Y’ for ‘Do you want to change any config values (y/n)?’



Enter the names of the application server domains and the Process Scheduler databases

that you want to include as part of the Microsoft Windows service.

To add multiple domains or databases, delimit each value with a comma and a space.



Select ‘Install a Service’ from the PeopleSoft Services Administration menu.



FYI….the psntsrv.exe file



Services utility in the Windows Control Panel or Run command "services.msc"

On the General tab of the service properties, select a startup type of Automatic.

On the Log On tab, the Log On As setting must match the Log On As setting that's defined for the

BEA ProcMGR V 9 service, which was created when you installed BEA Tuxedo.

Both services should either be configured to Log On As Local System Account, or to Log On As This Account (referring to the same account).





In case the service gives any error in starting you can view the details in Windows Logs.

            How to View Event Logs

                 In Windows XP, an event is any significant occurrence in the system or in a program

                 that requires users to be notified, or an entry added to a log. The Event Log Service

                 records application, security, and system events in Event Viewer. With the event logs in

                Event Viewer, you can obtain information about your hardware, software, and system

                components, and monitor security events on a local or remote computer. Event logs can

               help you identify and diagnose the source of current system problems, or help you

               predict potential system problems.


                             To open Event Viewer, follow these steps:

                                     1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

                                              a. Click Performance and Maintenance,

                                              b. then click Administrative Tools, and

                                              c. then double-click Computer Management. Or,

                                              d. open the MMC containing the Event Viewer snap-in.

                                     2. In the console tree, click Event Viewer.
                                               The Application, Security, and System logs are displayed in the Event Viewer window.




Creating Windows NT Services out of PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA)



          Starting BEA WebLogic on Microsoft Windows

            To run BEA WebLogic Server on Microsoft Windows, you can use a Windows service or a foreground process.

            Using the Windows Service

               Two benefits of running BEA WebLogic as a Windows service are:

                     1. BEA WebLogic can automatically start when the Windows server boots.

                     2. You can start and stop the service from a remote Windows machine.

                To install the service, open the command prompt, and enter the appropriate command from your WebLogic <domain>\bin directory: <PS_HOME>/

               Single server:


               Multi server:

                         InstallNTservice.cmd weblogic_server_instance_name

               For example:

                        installNTservice.cmd PIA


                To start BEA WebLogic as a Windows service, use either of these methods:

                     Start the service named WebLogicdomain-servername (for example, peoplesoft-PIA) by using the

                      Services utility in the Windows Control Panel.

                    Start the service from a command prompt by entering the following command:

                        NET START peoplesoft-PIA

                 To uninstall the service, enter the following command:






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