Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Operating System Authentication Enabled at Installation

When you install Oracle Database, a special Windows local group called ORA_DBA is created (if it does not already exist from an earlier Oracle Database installation), and your Windows username is automatically added to it. Members of local group ORA_DBA automatically receive the SYSDBA privilege.
Membership in ORA_DBA enables you to:
Connect to local Oracle Database servers without a password with the command.


Connect to remote Oracle Database servers without a password with the command

  1. CONNECT /@net_service_name AS SYSDBA where net_service_name is the net service name of the remote Oracle Database server

Perform database administration procedures such as starting and shutting down local databases
Add additional Windows users to ORA_DBA, enabling them to have the SYSDBA privilege.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Date function takes a number in the form YYYYMMDD and returns a corresponding Date value. If the date is invalid, Date displays an error message.
Warning! Make sure that you pass a four-digit year in the year parameter of this function. Two-digit values are interpreted literally: 93, for example, represents the year 93 AD.
Returns a date equal to the date specified in date_num.
Set the temporary variable &HIREDate to a date field containing the date July 1, 1997:&HIREDate = Date(19970701);

Sunday, August 31, 2008

PeopleSoft Application

You can view the XML message for a service operation only when your login id has the required permissions. Here’s how we set it.

For testing I provide PTPT1000 as the permission list.

Monday, July 28, 2008

PeopleCode Snippets

Downcasting class variable

If the downcast operator is to be used in the context of further object expressions (such as references to other members using dot notation) then the downcast must be enclosed in parentheses to emphasize that the downcast happens before the member reference.

class Fruit

property number FruitCount;


class Banana extends Fruit

property number BananaCount;


In the following code example, first the variables are assigned. All the variable assignments are legal, for Banana is a subtype of Fruit.

local Banana &MyBanana = Create Banana();

local Fruit &MyFruit = &MyBanana; /* okay, Banana is a subtype of Fruit */

local number &Num = &MyBanana.BananaCount;

The next two lines of code don't produce an error, as &MyFruit is currently a Banana at runtime.

&MyBanana = &MyFruit as Banana;

&Num = (&MyFruit as Banana).BananaCount; /* same as &MyBanana.BananaCount */

In the next lines of code, we're reassigning &MyFruit to be of type Fruit, that is, of the superclass Fruit. When you try to reassign &MyFruit as Banana, &MyBanana is assigned as Null, because &MyFruit is no longer of type Banana.

&MyFruit = Create Fruit();

&MyBanana = &MyFruit as Banana; /* assigns Null - &MyFruit isn't a Banana */


You cannot access the &VALUE = &MYFIELD.LongTranslateValue; unless you have the following set as the record field properties.

Without the edits being set the above LongTranslateValue property will return the small translate value.

Friday, May 23, 2008

PeopleTools Page Design

PeopleTools Page Design
Secondary Page
  • No save button either.
  • Level 0 and stuff not required.
  • Page title at the top of the page.
  • Secondary page gets activated by either a push button or a hyperlink.
  • It takes the level key fields by the placement of the push button.

Important SQLs

Important SQLs

  • MicroSsoft SQL Server

Top few rows from a table, following will select
first 301 rows from a table.


LIKE UPPER('%act')

  • Oracle

  • Escape characters used in data.

  • Select * From STUDENTS Where STU_NAME Like '%\_%' Escape '\'

    • Delete duplicate rows

      Delete From CLIENT_MASTER
      Where ROWID NOT IN
      ( Select min (ROWID)
      Group By CLIENT_NO, NAME, BAL_DUE )

    • In Oracle/PLSQL, the NVL function lets you substitute a value when a null value is encountered.

    Select ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, NVL(PHONE, 'Unknown Phone Number') As Phone From CUSTOMER

    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Test Score Post in Campus Solutions

    Test Id Security. Unless you set the test id security for a user you can not load or post the test scores from a flat file.

    Here's the location to set that.

    Navigation : Root --> Set Up SACR --> Security --> Secure Student Administration --> User ID --> Test ID Security.

    Code extending the SOA framework to chunck a container based message when the message size exceeds Integration Broker max message size limit.


    Component Rowset &rsSadHeaderCrm, &rsSadApSus, &rsSccNameValue;

    Local number &i, &j;
    Local Message &response;


    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_HEADER_CRM = &rsSadHeaderCrm;
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_TEST_POST_AP_PART = &rsSadApSus;
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_TEST_POST_NAME_VAL_PART = &rsSccNameValue;
    &response = &oSadTestPostCRMAP.execute();

    If &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError = Null Then
    Exit (1); /* exit (1) to skip roll back action */
    MessageBox(%MsgStyle_OK, "", 99999, 999, "*** Post to CRM Integration Error ***");
    MessageBox(%MsgStyle_OK, "", 99999, 999, &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError.ToString( False));
    If (&oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError.MessageSetNumber = 14099 And
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError.MessageNumber = 7) Then
    MessageBox(%MsgStyle_OK, "", 99999, 999, "Attempting Secondary Burst of 100 transactions");

    Local Rowset &rs100SadHeaderCrm, &rs100SadApSus, &rs100SadBioPrsSus, &rsSadBioPrsSus;
    Local number &numberOfRowSet;

    &rs100SadHeaderCrm = CreateRowset(&rsSadHeaderCrm);
    &rs100SadApSus = CreateRowset(&rsSadApSus);


    &rsSadBioPrsSus = &rsSadHeaderCrm(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SAD_BIO_PRS_SUS);
    &rs100SadBioPrsSus = &rs100SadHeaderCrm(1).GetRowset(Scroll.SAD_BIO_PRS_SUS);

    &i = 1;
    While &i <= &rsSadBioPrsSus.ActiveRowCount
    &j = 1;

    For &j = 1 To 2

    If &i > &rsSadBioPrsSus.ActiveRowCount Then

    If &j <> 1 Then

    &numberOfRowSet = 1;
    While &numberOfRowSet <= &rsSadBioPrsSus(&i).ChildCount
    &numberOfRowSet = &numberOfRowSet + 1;

    &numberOfRowSet = 1;
    While &numberOfRowSet <= &rsSadApSus(&i).ChildCount
    &numberOfRowSet = &numberOfRowSet + 1;

    &i = &i + 1;


    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_HEADER_CRM = &rs100SadHeaderCrm;
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_TEST_POST_AP_PART = &rs100SadApSus;
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.rsSAD_TEST_POST_NAME_VAL_PART = &rsSccNameValue;
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError = Null;
    &response = &oSadTestPostCRMAP.execute();

    If &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError <> Null And
    (&oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError.MessageSetNumber = 14099 And
    &oSadTestPostCRMAP.moduleError.MessageNumber = 7) Then

    MessageBox(%MsgStyle_OK, "", 99999, 999, "*** Secondary Burst too large ***");
    Exit (0); /* Return 0 to call Rollback Action */




    Find component link in PeopleSoft Applications for a given record or Page Name

    Run following in SQL Database

    /* This SQL can be used to find out were a page or a component */
    /* is registered. */
    /* IMPORTANT: This script is intended to run on MSSQL Server Only */
    /* Written by Daniel Beaulne 01/23/2002 */
    declare @PortalName as CHAR(50)
    declare @ParentObjName as CHAR(50)
    declare @PageName as CHAR(50)
    declare @ComponentName as CHAR(50)
    declare @MenuName as CHAR(50)
    declare @ObjName as CHAR(50)
    declare @ObjLabel as CHAR(100)
    declare @Path as char(1000)
    declare @Path2 as char(1000)
    declare @PortalURL as char(1000)
    declare @SiteURL as char(200)
    declare @WhereStr char(100)
    declare @Market as CHAR(10)
    /* Change the value for the following variables. */
    /* Site: Enter the base URL for your site. */
    /* Page/Component: Enter one or the other to find its references.*/
    /* IF a pagename is entered, the componentname is ignored */
    set @SiteURL = 'http://localhost/psp/ps/?cmd=login' /* for example http://dbeaulne110599/psp/ps' */
    set @PageName = 'SAD_TEST_SCTY'
    set @ComponentName ='ORGANIZATIONS'

    if @PageName <> ''
    WHERE PG.PNLNAME = @PageName
    print 'Navigation for page ' + @PageName
    print ' '
    WHERE PG.PNLGRPNAME = @ComponentName
    print 'Navigation for component ' + @ComponentName
    print ' '

    OPEN PageCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM PageCursor INTO @MenuName, @ComponentName, @Market
    if rtrim(@ComponentName) <> ''
    DECLARE ComponentCursor CURSOR FOR
    WHERE PORTAL_URLTEXT like '%/' + rtrim(@MenuName) + '.' + rtrim(@ComponentName) + '.' + rtrim(@Market) +'%'
    and PORTAL_REFTYPE = 'C'
    OPEN ComponentCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM ComponentCursor INTO @PortalName, @ParentObjName, @ObjName, @ObjLabel, @PortalURL

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    SET @Path = @ObjLabel
    SET @Path2 = @ObjName
    SET @ObjName = @ParentObjName

    while @ObjName <> ' '
    select @ObjLabel = PORTAL_LABEL, @ParentObjName = PORTAL_PRNTOBJNAME from PSPRSMDEFN where PORTAL_NAME = @PortalName AND PORTAL_OBJNAME = @ObjName
    SET @Path = rtrim(@ObjLabel) + ' --> ' + @Path
    SET @Path2 = rtrim(@ObjName) + ' --> ' + @Path2
    SET @ObjName = @ParentObjName
    PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    PRINT 'Menu : ' + @MenuName
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'Component : ' + @ComponentName
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'Market : ' + @Market
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'Portal : ' + @PortalName
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'Navigation : ' + @Path
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'CREF : ' + @Path2
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT 'URL : ' + rtrim(@SiteURL) + rtrim(@PortalURL)
    PRINT '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    PRINT ' '
    PRINT ' '
    FETCH NEXT FROM ComponentCursor INTO @PortalName, @ParentObjName, @ObjName, @ObjLabel, @PortalURL
    CLOSE ComponentCursor
    DEALLOCATE ComponentCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM PageCursor INTO @MenuName, @ComponentName, @Market
    CLOSE PageCursor
    DEALLOCATE PageCursor

    Saturday, April 5, 2008

    Shared Disk Partition XP & Vista

    If you have a disk partition and you want to access it with both XP and Vista, here's what you got to do to access it with Vista knowing that it will be accesssible through XP by default.
    1. Right click the shared disk partition.
    2. Select Properties.
    3. Selet Security Tab
    4. Here you got to add "Everyone" text in the list of "Group or username"

    Friday, April 4, 2008

    PeopleSoft Development Environment Setup

    Every time you create a new or add another PeopleSoft-Campus Solutions database instance you to create a separate application server configuration using PSADMIN.exe with a new JSL port and use that when you run PIA setup (%PSHOME%\setup\PsMpPIAInstall\Setup.exe). Using this you can run two or more app server and web server process concurrently in same machine.

    My personal experience says that you need to have exact same configuration as shown belows, however you can select your own free port but including analytic server and Event Notification server process cannot be run.

    And if you are adding another you also got to change the HTTP port, website name and domain name. And in %PSHOME%\webserv\your_domain_name\bin you will find your startPIA.exe file to start the web server.

    PeopleSoft Application Engine Programming

    PeopleSoft Application Engine

    You use PeopleSoft Application Engine to develop batch or online programs that perform high-volume, background processing against your data.

    While PeopleSoft Application Engine does not generate, parse, or understand SQL, it does execute SQL (Meta-SQL) that you provide.

    It's a Structured framework or shell for executing SQL.

    PeopleSoft Application Engine is designed to help you develop, test, and run background SQL processing programs (programs which do not require user intervention). PeopleSoft Application Engine offers you an alternative to writing COBOL, or SQR (Structured Query Reporter) programs for background SQL processing.

    PeopleSoft Application Engine comprises two distinct components—a designer where you define your batch program and the runtime environment where you run and monitor your program.

    In PeopleSoft Application Engine, a program is a set of

    • SQL statements,
    • Log Statements,
    • PeopleCode, and
    • Program control actions that enable looping and conditional logic.

    You can use PeopleSoft Application Engine for straight, row-by-row processing, but the most efficient Application Engine programs are written to perform set-based processing.


    Application Engine Program Elements

    A PeopleSoft Application Engine program comprises the set of processes to execute a given task, and is made up of several key elements:

    • Sections.
      • A section is a set of ordered steps that gets executed as part of a program.
      • You can call sections (and other programs) from steps within other sections.
      • A program must contain at least one section.
      • The execution of the program always starts with the section defined as MAIN .
    • Steps.
      • Used to execute a PeopleCode command or log a message,
      • Typically you use a step to execute a SQL statement or to call another section.
    • Actions.
      • The SQL or PeopleCode that a step executes are the actions within the step.
        • Do Actions
          • Do actions contain a SQL Select statement designed to return results on which subsequent actions depend.
            • Do While
            • Do When
            • Do Select
            • Do Unitl
        • SQL
          • The SQL action differs from the Do actions, which also contain SQL, in that the SQL action does not control the flow of the program.
            • Update
            • Delete
            • Insert
            • Select
        • PeopleCode
          • Most importantly, PeopleCode provides access to the PeopleSoft integration technologies such as PeopleSoft Integration Broker , Component Interfaces, Business Interlinks, and file processing.
          • PeopleCode for setting If, Then, Else logic constructs.
          • Performing data preparation tasks
          • Building dynamic portions of SQL statements.
          • Enables you to set state record variables dynamically.
          • Any PeopleCode operations that manipulate pages will not run successfully. (Even if you invoke your Application Engine program online from a record or a page using the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function, the Application Engine PeopleCode still does not have direct access to component buffers.)
          • You can use the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function, or you can define global variables.
          • With a PeopleCode action, there is only one property that you can specify—On Return.
          • Determines how your Application Engine program reacts based on the return of your PeopleCode program. The On Return setting takes effect if your PeopleCode program issues a “return 1” or “exit 1.” You can use the True keyword in place of a non-zero numeric return.
              • Abort: The program issues an error and exits immediately.
              • Break: The program exits the current step and section, and control returns to the calling step.
              • Skip Step: The program exits the current step, and continues processing at the next step in the section. If this is the last step in the section, the calling step resumes control of the processing.
        • Log Message
          • You use a Log Message action to write a message to the message log based on a condition in your program.
          • When a user views the messages using the Application Engine Message Log page, the system retrieves the appropriate message string from the message catalog based on the user’s language preference.
          • Note. You can also use MessageBox PeopleCode to populate PS_MESSAGE_LOG instead of using the Log Message action. This enables you to easily record errors encountered within Application Engine PeopleCode programs.
        • Call Section
          • You can also insert an action that calls another section either in same or different app engine program. (Static or Dynamic)
          • The called section can be in the same program as the calling section, or it can be in an external program.
          • This enables you to chunk your program into more maintainable & reusable pieces.

    Note. PeopleSoft Application Engine supports up to 99 levels of nested Call Section actions. For example, the first called section can call a second, which can call a third, and so on, up to 99 calls.


    • State records.
      • A state record is a PeopleSoft record that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine developer.
      • Working storage for your Application Engine program.
      • Used to pass values from one action to another.(Place to store variables)<!--[endif]-->
      • Either a physical record or a work record. (Naming convention XXX_AET)
      • Any number of state records can be associated with a program. (Max 200)
      • Physical state records must be keyed by process instance.
      • There is only one row in the state record for each process instance.
      • After the program completes successfully, PeopleSoft Application Engine deletes the corresponding row in the state record.
      • Multiple programs can use the same state record, and each program has its own row based on the unique process instance key.
      • %Select inserts data
      • %Bind retrieves data
      • Default state record is inheritable in call stack for external app engine calls.
      • You can have up to 200 state records associated with a particular Application Engine program. However, only one record can be the default state record.



    You use the %Select construct to pass variables to the state record, and you use the %Bind construct to retrieve or reference the variables. Typically, when you use %Bind to provide a value for a field or a Where condition, the type of field in the state record that you reference with %Bind must match the field type of the corresponding database field used in the SQL statement. In the case of an external call to a section in another program, if the called program has its own default state record defined, then PeopleSoft Application Engine uses that default state record to resolve the %Bind(fieldname). Otherwise, the called program inherits the calling program's default state record. You must use the Date, Time, and DateTime output wrappers in the Select list that populates the state record fields.


    Consider the following sample statement:



    The following steps illustrate the execution of the previous statement:

    1. Resolve bind variables.

    The string %Bind(PROCESS_INSTANCE) is replaced with the value of the state record field called PROCESS_INSTANCE.

    2. Execute the SQL Select statement.

    3. Perform a SQL Fetch statement.

    If a row is returned, the state record fields BUSINESS_UNIT and CUST_ID are updated with the results. If the Fetch statement does not return any rows, all fields in the %Select construct retain their prior values.

    Example 1)

    Main Record


    Data in main record


    State Record


    App Engine Program in "Program Flow" view


    DoSelect SQL


    SQLAction - SQL


    Run Request


    Result data in main record



    PeopleTools 8.48.06 - Application Engine
    Copyright (c) 1988-2007 PeopleSoft, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved
    Application Engine program APP_ENG_PROG ended normally



    Remember the following when inserting actions:

    • You cannot have more than one action of a specific type within the same step.
    • You cannot have a SQL action and a Call Section action within the same step.
    • You can only define XSLT type actions for programs defined as Transformation types (see the program properties).

    At runtime, the system evaluates actions by type and executes them within a strict hierarchy. For example, if both a Do When and PeopleCode action exist within a given step, PeopleSoft Application Engine always executes the Do When first.

    The following diagram depicts the sequence and level of execution for each type of action:


    As you add actions to a step in the definition view, the actions are initially inserted after the selected definition (the owning step or a prior action). However, following a save request or a refresh of the view, the designer reorders all actions to match the execution hierarchy. This feature helps you visualize the sequence in which each step of your program logic executes.

    Application Engine Program Types
    There are five types of Application Engine programs. You specify the type in the Program Properties dialog box for your program definition.

    The types are:

    • Standard, which is a normal entry-point program.
    • Upgrade Only, which is used in PeopleSoft upgrade utilities.
    • Import Only, which is used by PeopleSoft import utilities.
    • Daemon Only, a type of program used as a daemon process.
      • Within a daemon group, programs are invoked sequentially,
      • The programs contained in a daemon group should be quick programs that scan information to find events.
      • When an event is discovered, the daemon program can use the ProcessRequest class to invoke programs that are not of the daemon type.
      • These non-daemon type Application Engine programs can execute in parallel.
      • For that reason, do not include application-specific processing in a PSDAEMON type program.
    • Transform Only, a program type used to support Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).
    Testing Application Engine Programs

    After creating or modifying your program, you can test it while in PeopleSoft Application Designer in two-tier mode. You use the Run Request dialog box:

    ',escape('Run Request dialog box'))">clip_image019 Run Request dialog box

    To run an Application Engine program in two-tier mode:

    1. Select Edit, Run Program from the PeopleSoft Application Designer toolbar.

    The Run Request dialog box appears.

    2. Enter appropriate values.

    When you click OK, these values are passed as runtime parameters to the initiated PeopleSoft Application Engine runtime executable.

    Run Control ID

    Enter the run control ID of the program that you are testing.

    Run Minimized

    Select to have the window of the requested process minimized when it is submitted to run.

    Output Log to File

    Select to write the output log to a file.

    Log File Name

    Specify the log file name (enabled only when Output Log to File is selected).

    Process Instance

    Specify the process instance for this run request, or use the default value of zero if an instance number is not needed.

    3. Click OK.

    Setting General Properties

    Access the Program Properties dialog box and select the General tab. You can specify identification values for your Application Engine program.

    Owner ID

    (Optional) Enter the owner ID for the program. The owner ID is a way to identify which definitions are owned by which PeopleSoft applications, such as PeopleSoft General Ledger, Accounts Receivables, and so on. The values in the drop-down list box are Translate table values associated with the OBJECTOWNERID field.


    Setting State Record Properties

    Select the State Records tab.

    Qualify Search

    Enter any wildcard characters or complete table names to limit the results that appear in the record list. By default, the Record List box contains all record names that end with the extension AET. This extension identifies the record as an Application Engine record.

    Get List

    Click to populate the Record List box.

    Record List

    This text box contains the results of your state record search.


    Select state records for use with a particular program. Click Add to include selected records from the record list into the selected list. Click Remove to remove selected records from the selected list. Indicate which state record to act as the default state record by selecting its check box. For your default state record, you need to reference only fieldnames in your PeopleCode and SQL (for the active program). When you reference a non-default state record, you do so by using recname.fieldname.


    Specifying Temporary Tables

    Select the Temp Tables tab.

    Temporary tables store intermediate results during a program run.

    Note. You must have already defined required temporary tables in your database prior to associating them with an Application Engine program.

    Qualify Search

    Enter any wildcard characters or complete table names to limit the results that appear in the record list. By default, the Record List box contains only records that are of type Temporary Table. You apply this attribute when you create the record in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    Get List

    Click to populate the Record List box.

    Record List

    This text box contains the results of your search for temporary tables.


    Select temporary tables for use with a particular program. Click Add to include selected records that appear in the record list. Click Remove to exclude selected records that appear in the selected list.

    Instance Count

    Enter the number of physical tables to be created for each dedicated table for this program during the SQL Build procedure in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Typically, you would set this number to equal the maximum number of parallel program runs that you anticipate. For instance if you expect up to five instances of the same program to run simultaneously, then you would set the instance count to 5.

    Insert Selected List into Project

    If the active Application Engine program definition belongs to a project, select to include the dedicated temporary tables for this program within the same project.


    Control how an Application Engine program behaves if an instance of its specified dedicated temporary tables is not available. If you select Continue, then PeopleSoft Application Engine uses the base version, or nondedicated version, of the temporary tables. If you select Abort, then the program exits with an error message.

    Note. If the table is keyed by PROCESS_INSTANCE, and the application SQL includes the process instance in the Where clause, then the table can be shared by multiple processes. The best performance, however, occurs when a program runs against a dedicated temporary table instance.


    Note. You must set the instance count on the Temp Tables tab prior to building the tables in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    Setting Advanced Properties

    Disable Restart

    Select to disable the built-in restart capabilities for a particular program.

    Application Library

    In some cases, you may want a program to contain only a collection, or library, of common routines (in the form of callable sections) that you do not want to run as a standalone program. When sections are defined as public, other programs can call the sections, or routines, that exist in the library at runtime. Because this type of program is not designed to run as a standalone program, it does not require the MAIN section, or initial entry point. Select this check box to rename or remove any existing MAIN section.

    Note. An application library is the appropriate location to store a collection of shared Application Engine program sections. Libraries are not intended for storing a specific SQL action within a section. To share common SQL, use the SQL repository.

    Batch Only

    Select for batch-only programs. Batch-only programs are not executed from the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function. Any dedicated temporary table used for batch-only programs do not have online instances created.

    Message Set

    Specify the default message set value for this program. The system uses this message set value for all Log Message actions where the message set isn’t specified.

    Program Type

    Select from:

    · Standard: Used by standard entry-point programs.

    · Upgrade Only: Used by PeopleSoft upgrade utilities only.

    · Import Only: Used by PeopleSoft import utilities only

    · Daemon Only: Use for daemon-type programs.

    · Transform Only: Support for XSLT programs.

    Specifying Call Section Actions

    Use the Call Section action to call another section defined in an Application Engine program. You can call a local section defined within your current program, and you can make external calls to a section defined in another Application Engine program.

    The external section you intend to call must have its access property set to Public. If a section’s access property is set to Private, that section can be called only from within the same program. By default, a section’s access property is Private. If you attempt to make a call to a section that does not allow external calls, you receive an error message at runtime.

    Note. You can call only programs that reside within the same database as the calling program.

    Program ID Property

    Because you can call sections defined in the current program or within external programs, you must first specify the program ID of the program containing the section you intend to call.

    The default value is (current). If you call a section defined in another program, make sure that you first select the appropriate external program from the Program ID drop-down list box. The drop-down list box contains the names of all program definitions that currently exist in the database.

    Section Name Property

    Select from names defined in the program that appears in the Program ID list box. To call a section that is defined in an external program, select the program name in the Program ID edit box prior to selecting the section name.

    Also use the Call Section action to call an entire external program. First select the program ID, then select section name MAIN. At runtime, this call executes the entire program defined by the value in the Program ID field.

    Note. PeopleSoft Application Designer does not prevent you from calling the main section of the current program or the current section. For instance, Section1 can contain a step that has a local call section reference for Section1. This enables recursive calls, and should therefore be used with caution.

    Dynamic Property

    Use the AE_APPLID and AE_SECTION fields in the state record to execute different sections depending on the conditions a program encounters during runtime.

    These two fields must be defined on the default state record for the program. If AE_APPLID is not present or is blank (at runtime), the current program is substituted for the AE_APPLID value. If AE_SECTION is not present or is blank, an error occurs.

    When issuing a dynamic call, both the section and the program ID must be dynamically set. You enable a dynamic call by first having your program store different section names in the AE_SECTION field, and different program names in AE_APPLID field. The values you insert in these fields are normally based on various conditions met within your program. You then create a Call Section action that calls the section name defined in the state record field by selecting the Dynamic check box.

    Selecting Dynamic automatically populates the AE_SECTION field with the symbolic value %Section, and the Program ID field with the symbolic value %AEAPPLID. At runtime, the program calls the section name stored in AE_SECTION that belongs to the program name defined by AE_APPLID.

    Program Properties of Called Sections

    When you call a section defined in an external program, the current program (the program containing the defined call section) defines the properties that apply to the running process. Suppose tracing is enabled for the current program, but tracing is disabled for the called program section. In this case, the called program has the trace option enabled at runtime because it inherits the calling program's properties.

    For example, if program A calls program B, and program B calls program C, then the properties of A apply to both programs B and C. The calling program always controls the properties for the called program. In this case, program A controls the properties for program B, and because program B inherits the properties of program A, when program B calls program C, program A’s properties also apply to program C.

    Note. Although program properties are inherited, state records do not follow this inheritance model.

    State Records of Called Programs

    When you call a program from another program, the called program’s default state record becomes active until processing returns to the initial program. However, all of the state records associated with both programs are available. State records that are common between the two programs share values. To communicate between the two programs, or share %BIND variables, define the same state records in both programs.

    Wednesday, April 2, 2008

    Accessing Remote Oracle Database

    I was trying to connect to a remote oracle database firstly through SQL Plus and then through my PeopleTools 8.49 IDE,

    I just added the following two entries into my tnsnames.ora file. Here's the location of this file on my computer C:\Apps\db\oracle102\NETWORK\ADMIN.



    The first one is for connecting to my colleagues database and another for connecting to Oracle's network master database. The second one I will use for Project compare later.

    Here's teh username and password with which my colleague had create the campus solutions database instance on his Oracle Database software.


    And I was easily able to connect to my colleague's database using above connect string in SQLPLUS. I don't know if there exists and UI for doing the same.

    Monday, March 31, 2008


    These days I am trying to make sense of PeopleSoft technologies, my first impression was that everything is closely tied to database, the code, application data, the system data all resides in a database. The PeopleSoft IDE has two ways to connect to database one is directly though ODBC in case of MSSQL server. Another is through application server.

    Here's what I got from one of the PeopleTools PeopleBook

    A database for a PeopleTools application contains three major sets of tables:

    • System Catalog tables store physical attributes of tables and views, which your database management
    system uses to optimize performance.
    • PeopleTools tables contain information that you define using PeopleTools.
    • Application Data tables house the actual data that your users enter and access through PeopleSoft application

    Every time that you create a new definition using PeopleTools, the system inserts rows of data into various PeopleTools tables. The entries in these tables determine the online processing of the system and what happens during imports. PeopleSoft maintains the structure of these tables. You maintain data in the PeopleTools tables related to definitions that you create or adapt using PeopleTools. The PeopleTools tables can be viewed in the PPLTOOLS project using the PeopleSoft Application Designer.

    To create the application data tables that store the rows of data that your users manipulate:

    1. Create a record definition.
    In doing so you determine the structure of the table, the characteristics of the fields, and any online processing that you want to occur behind the scenes when a user enters data.

    2. Apply the SQL Create option to build the SQL table in which your application data will reside based on a subset of parameters in your record definition. During this process, the system automatically gives the application data table the same name as your record definition, prefaced with PS_.

    Enterprise PeopleTools Categories

    This framework divides the PeopleTools technologies, tools, and utilities into four categories:

    • Development Tools.
    Administration Tools.
    Analytic Tools.

    Integration Tools.
    Life Cycle Management Tools.